ZoGuard Plus for Cats


Kills fleas, ticks, flea eggs, flea larvae and chewing lice. Same active ingredients used in Frontline® Plus for Cats and same effectiveness. Protects cats from all stages of fleas to break flea life cycle and 4 species of ticks, including deer, American dog and brown dog ticks. Rapidly eliminates chewing lice. Studies show this product kills adult fleas for up to 6 weeks. Apply monthly if cat is at high risk for flea infestation, and to control ticks and chewing lice.

Contains 9.8% fipronil and 11.8% s-methoprene.

Directions: Invert tube and use narrow end to part cat's hair. Apply contents of one tube as a spot between shoulder blades. Allow area to dry. Remains effective after bathing, water immersion or exposure to sunlight. Do not use on cats under 8 weeks of age or weighing less than 1.5 lbs. Do not reapply for 30 days. Separate treated cat from other cats and dogs for 24 hours after treatment has been applied. Consult a veterinarian before using on medicated, debilitated, aged, breeding, pregnant or nursing cats, or cats with known organ dysfunction.

Frontline® is a registered trademark of Merial. ZoGuard™ Plus for Cats is not manufactured, or distributed by Merial, seller of Frontline® Plus for Cats.

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