Blue Viper is the most popular Smart Wrap for both headers and heelers. As with all Smart Wraps, the base of the horn is sealed which adds an extra level of safety, all the while saving on ropes!
The Red Hornet is one of the top selling Pro Dally Wraps for headers. It is one of our New Generation Pro Dally Wraps. This wrap is a good all around wrap for those Headers that like to heel some. It is a Head or Heel combo wrap with awesome bite. Normal life span is a saving of 2-5 ropes.
This is a XS extra soft wrap.
The Pro is more resistant to abrasion, and has an increase in life span compared to the New Generation wraps, Black Knight, Red Hornet, Blue Viper, and JoyStick.
A Top pick for summer months. This is a favorite of heelers and does not burn and fill the ropes like tube rubber will. Normal life span is a saving of 2-5 ropes.
This is a MS medium soft wrap.
*Sold Individually.